Name: Mike . | Date: 2007-11-14 15:09:25 |
Subject: | |
Question: dear reb, i'm 18 years old and about to go into the US army. do you have any advice for me? | |
Answer: hmm, besides don't go... come to israel on birthright for free. Have you ever been? I think you can still sign up. The Jewish people are Hashem's army. I don't know you enough to tell you if this is your calling in life, only you can decide this but... it is a very difficult life for ones wife and children (my father in law was a Major in us army) and there are so many things you can do that can assist Jewish people without fighting and living this lifestyle. My wife today having grown up in an army lifestyle, doesn't know how to have long term friends, life anywhere long term. She grew up in Germany army bases, arizona, new jersey. What kind of life was this for a jewish family. The schooling was bad, etc... At least in israel, you will be constantly saving lives in the army and you can still live a normal life. |
Name: Andy Blum | Date: 2007-11-15 23:10:46 |
Subject:Car won't start | |
Question: I am having trouble getting my car to start and I am afraid I might need a new one. | |
Answer: Check the battery. You can get a new one and solve most starting troubles. Also check the wires between the Alternator and Battery. Battery (most common) loose wire (next common) Alternator (next and most expensive, ask for used) Starter (doesn't break so much) |
Name: Yaron . | Date: 2007-11-17 19:15:15 |
Subject:aliyah soon | |
Question: i am making aliyah in 5 weeks. i am very nervous. what should i do? | |
Answer: just practice your hebrew so you don't look weird;) |
Name: david . | Date: 2007-11-18 08:30:26 |
Subject:aliyah sefardi | |
Question: We are sefardi and looking for a good place to make aliyah too. I am also a bit concerned about working in israel. Also, where would we find shirim in english? | |
Answer: Hi, in betar and bais shemesh, they have woman shirim in england and weekly get togethers. I am not so successful but I see many who have programming knowledge do well as they can get jobs through the computer with usa saleries or seem to make up their own ideas. No matter where you go in Israel, sefardi tradition is booming here. moshe |
Name: Chana . | Date: 2007-11-20 04:11:21 |
Subject:writers block | |
Question: I am having trouble writing a paper for school. I think i have writers block. | |
Answer: there is no such thing as writters block, you just have to start it and let the words flow from the Shechinah into your fingers |
Name: me you | Date: 2009-05-19 17:31:55 |
Subject:life | |
Question: What is the meaning of life? | |
Answer: To escape with as many mitzvos as possible. |
Name: julian gregory | Date: 2009-06-01 20:36:59 |
Subject:thank you | |
Question: I want to learn how too learn and take up the challenge in living a true rihteuos life according to Torah | |
Answer: Well rushnious increases when we decrease gashius. Not just physically but we change the way we think. |