Name: sara plaim | Date: 2009-06-16 19:06:00 |
Subject: | |
Question: Can I say Psalms for a non Jew? | |
Answer: here is how i do it. I say, I am praying for klal yisrael and also I would like to include ____. cause i don't think the goyish neshamah should take completely from the prayer which is so holy and kedusha. |
Name: Leah Shaindel | Date: 2009-03-18 21:43:49 |
Subject: | |
Question: I know Reb Nachman taught the importance of constantly talking to Hashem about everything going on in one's life. I heard he would do so in yiddsih- but can a person really do so in english or is yiddish/hebrew preferable? And do have a source? Thanks, Leah Shaindel | |
Answer: The Rebbe says in Sichos Haran that hisbodidus should be done in ones own native tongue. What good would it be to talk in a language you don't speak clearly? Hashem hears all languages. While doing the actual prayer service laid down by the Rabbis, we try as much as possible to recite them in Hebrew. If you can't, this is also okay. There was one Yom Kippur when the Baal Shem Tov couldn't break through to reverse the evil decree that year against the Jews. It was the little shepherd boy who couldn't speak more then the language he learned as a shepherd that reversed this decree with his simple wholehearted prayer which we would interpret as jiberish. |
Name: Julian Gregory | Date: 2009-01-20 16:20:41 |
Subject:my family | |
Question: Rebbi if its "right" can you keep us in your prayer for we are going through some trying times. grnted it doesn't compare through what you and your country is going through but just he same I pray for the safety of you and your country. | |
Answer: Yes, I realize the seriousness of the American Economic problems. It concerns me very much and I feel your pain. I have you in my prayers! |
Name: Chajm Ross | Date: 2008-12-06 23:22:34 |
Subject:where to find comfort | |
Question: Reb Moische... I hope you will accept my question... I grew up Lubavitsch, but obviously am no longer (I'm a Mischlinge). I am normally pretty well versed in things but... How does one pray to HaShem for comfort, to get rid of grief and sadness, for strength when things just don't seem to be going right...? They always told us just to say T'hillim... NOT THAT SAYING T'HILLIM IS 'JUST' - but it's not the same... So many just don't come close... Essa Ejnaj, sure... I'm sorry to bother you with this, but... I am unsure. A Dank un Toda! Chajm | |
Answer: Well Tehillim is one way as you already know, another way is to do hisbodidus. To talk to Hashem in your own words and from the heart in a set time daily. |
Name: Philip Heitz | Date: 2008-04-03 15:00:34 |
Subject:About a portion of the Amidah | |
Question: Hi Reb Moshe, When praying through the Amidah I've learned to pour my heart into each portion, save one. The portion on heretics. I know that I am certainly no paragon of virtue and am susceptible to the same bad judgement as even the most godless man. Simply put, I worry that I am calling for the destruction of others no better than myself, or possibly even me. Am I looking at this portion in the wrong way? I've been reluctant to ask anyone locally as I am not fond of drawing attention to myself. | |
Answer: I have always seized this opportunity to think about those who want to destroy the Jewish people. During the War with Hezbollah, I used to pray here that they be destroyed and that nobody should be hurt through the rockets that were landing around us. I also think of those with political power that are using it to harm Jews. This would certainly include some Israeli politicians. When I am thinking of Jews who commit Hersey, my thoughts are not that they should come to any harm physically. I am thinking that they should repent and be thrown off this mantel of power that they are undeserving of. |
Name: Simcha Aharon . | Date: 2007-11-24 18:23:38 |
Subject:pray at the patriarchs | |
Question: I was wondering if you are ever able to go to Maaras Hamachpela and daven? | |
Answer: I go often, close my eyes during shemona esray first paragraph and say, Elokay avraham, Elokay Yitzchok and .... :) |
Name: andra . | Date: 2007-11-23 06:55:05 |
Subject:no need to pray? | |
Question: In one of your videos, you speak of how the Siddurim are comprised of the Hitbodetut prayers of men such as King David of blessed memory. Does this mean that a modern Jew can too become close enough to G-d to no longer need to use a Siddur to Daven, or are we completely dependant upon it at this point? If we are, what has changed within us that makes it so? | |
Answer: always need the siddur as base, its halacha |
Name: Gershon . | Date: 2007-11-20 08:15:30 |
Subject:shuckling back & fortht | |
Question: Shalom, Reb Moshe! I've been meaning to ask what might appear to be a rather bizarre question > with regard to something my mother once told me. Some years ago, my mother reminded me that that I in her words "used to shockel and sing as an infant". I'm not sure what "shockel" means, though I'm a smicha student and wonder what her point might have been from a Jewish point of reference. She told me I always did it in the wee hours of the night. My parents got used to it, according to her and almost thought something was wrong, if I DIDN'T shockel at night! This was between the ages of 1.5 and 4. I wanted to ask if this brings anything theological to mind as I understand this was the train of thought of my mother. Thanks for any thoughts you might have and I wish you and yours much briyut and hatslacha for this summer! Sincerely, Gunnar (Gershon) | |
Answer: not sure i understand the question. Shuckling means rocking back and forth, it is something Jews do a lot when they pray and learn. People say that the soul of a Jew once ignited can't remain still, which is why we shuckle. A goy when they pray, remain still. |
Name: Yoel . | Date: 2007-11-18 00:28:28 |
Subject:pray for me | |
Question: I love your website(s) and have a request. Can you please pray for me? I have some very stressful issues going on in my life right now and feel that a voice from Israel couldn't hurt. | |
Answer: You know, the greatest voice is that which is inside you not expressing itself to the fullest. Within you is the power to open all the doors. |
Name: yitz . | Date: 2007-11-17 19:20:22 |
Subject:study and prayer in english | |
Question: I read gemara in english. sometimes I davin in english. It makes me sad because my hebrew isn't so good. | |
Answer: Hi, it is fine to pray in english and learn in english. On the side, work on your hebrew. You know i used to learn in english too and was able to read dozens of sefarim really quickly that way, gained a lot of knowledge from it. |
Name: Michal . | Date: 2007-11-17 19:01:17 |
Subject:hisbodidus where? | |
Question: my parents dont understand nor like my going out for Hisbodedus. Can I do it outside my window? | |
Answer: You can do hisbodidus anywhere. Dovid Hamelech hid under his talis in bed. Nobody should know when you do it if possible. |
Name: Detriot . | Date: 2007-11-16 02:22:13 |
Subject:observing hisbodidus, meditation | |
Question: my question is how to observe hisboididus? I know hashem is listening to me and knows my innermost feelings, and always is, but how to do it? When I walk to my rabbis house on shobbos, I walk through woods, I sing niggunim with thought and feeling behind the tune, does this count? do I have to express myself in words? What exactly does Rebbe Nachman Tz'l say of this? | |
Answer: hey, Glad to hear you are being strong in such a situation. You will find later in life that this test will have benifited you greatly. I have an audio tape on hisbodidus on look at the audio section... also the video about rebbe noson's son has some words on this teaching. moshe |
Name: kar . | Date: 2007-11-15 22:29:35 |
Subject:Hashem doesn't hear | |
Question: what do you do when you feel like HaShem has ear plugs in? | |
Answer: Pray more often and harder |
Name: jonathan . | Date: 2007-11-15 22:08:39 |
Subject:Siddur Breslov | |
Question: Love your web site! What siddur do the Breslov us? Art Scroll? | |
Answer: nusak sefard, not sefardi but sefard id have to look for the exact name and brand of the one they like but its a basic sefard siddur i am glad you like it |