Name: Benymain Banuelos | Date: 2008-05-16 02:20:53 |
Subject:religion | |
Question: I was raised sephardi orthodox and i am aware of the many branches of judaism i noe attend a conservative shull that is all i have in the area is there a branch of judaism called brotzlav???I am not sure if i pronounced it correctly?? | |
Answer: Yes, Breslov Chassidus was founded by Rebbe Nachman in Russia which is now the Ukraine. In Israel, breslov has become very popular amongst sefardim due to its emphasis on spirituality. The Sefardic custom has always been one leaning towards the spiritual side of things due to their great rabbis of Mysticism. When the sefardim immigrated to Israel and abroad, everyone wanted to make them like them. Unfortunately, many of their Kabbalistic customs were lost. Sefardic Judaism is very close with Chassidism and when most sefardim took on Litvish minhangim, they lost a lot of their simular customs based on Kabbalistic concepts. |
Name: j.harris berkowitz,parker | Date: 2008-05-04 19:59:33 |
Subject: | |
Question: hey reb ,i like your new site,ok so here comes the hard questions again lol,on the topic of jesus and the jews,my mother and father always told me when i was younger that jesus was a prophet,that he was not the true messiha,but they never gave me reason as to why us jews believe this.ive herd people say he dint fullfill all the prophiceys,could you give me info on which ones he missed, thanks rio kidd | |
Answer: You don't understand. Yeska was a false prophit and was against the torah. He was thrown out from Yeshivas and Jewish study places as he was imature, full of pride and worshiped himself. Anything written about him is most likely made up and exagerated in order to create a movement that continued on this way of going against Torah and Hashem. It isn't worth 2minutes of our time to review any of his doings. |
Name: nachy . | Date: 2007-11-24 18:32:51 |
Subject:tefillin letters | |
Question: In my tefillin, some of the letters keep erasing. What are your thoughts on this? | |
Answer: do you know the story from the maggid? Letters were erased from tefillin so they maggid passed it over his forhead and then the letters reappeared. People asked him, how can you do that when the letters according to halacha have to be written with a kulmas. He said, the letters were still there, they just disapeared because of the persons sins so I was just removing the light that was blocking them. |
Name: Eved . | Date: 2007-11-23 08:53:28 |
Subject:ups and downs | |
Question: First I just wanted to say that this site is awesome and please keep up > the great work. Reb Moshe everytime I try to get closer to HaShem > something always seems to bring me sin....and I feel that If though HaShem > sometimes doesn't hear me and is hiding from me....I want a better > relationship with him.....How can I attain this? | |
Answer: chazal teach us that in order to have an aliyah, you have tofirst have a yeridah. A yeridah is a sign of coming aliyah and rebbe nachman says during a down time, you should serve Hashem simply without hanhagos. Seeking your good points and lowering the pressure and then the aliyah will come soon. You also have to try to take the light which you can handle and not overflow the vessle unless its something really good:) |
Name: private . | Date: 2007-11-20 08:21:22 |
Subject:no mikvah | |
Question: For me, the Mikvah is a very spiritual thing. I go every erev shobbos, and if I become "polluted" I try to go asap. But the Chabad has the keys, and it is embarrasing to go and ask, it is not really open during the week. | |
Answer: What about the streams, lakes in your area? I had no mikvah for 60miles, I'd actually drive to the town of thurmont which is the head of kkk in maryland and dunk in the streams there. It is a much higher level to go in natural water then a hand made mikvah. Here in Israel, nothing compares to dunking in the mikvah Ari. |
Name: Michel . | Date: 2007-11-19 04:28:41 |
Subject:draw me close | |
Question: i found you website to be inspiiring and spiritually refreshing. i am trying to become more observant in my daily life and i am not sure where to begin. any sugguestions? i am trying to find Hashem. | |
Answer: fill you mornings with good things. Always get off to a good start in the morning with tefilin or davening |
Name: Allen . | Date: 2007-11-19 03:11:42 |
Subject:askenazi or Sefardi | |
Question: I am half Sephadic and half Ashkenasim. I was raised in a mixed household where both traditions intermingled. We were always aloud to eat rice over passover, but now i am older i am not sure, living in an ashkenasi country whether i should continue this tradition, or continue eating rice. It is permitted by the Sephadim, but forbidden by the Ashkenasim. What should i do? | |
Answer: the tradition goes by the father |