Name: elie marcuse | Date: 2009-03-15 08:07:00 |
Subject:special psalms | |
Question: Since I felt particularly attracted to Tehillim 23 and 130 I learned them bealpe. Are these two Tehillim to be said in particular life circumstances and if yes could you explain. Be Shalom. | |
Answer: Yes they are famous Psalms since their words are very moving. Psalms 23 is known for bringing sustenance & blessing. Psalms 130 is said in times of trouble and sickness. |
Name: Daniel Kover | Date: 2008-12-26 17:12:28 |
Subject:enlightenment | |
Question: i was concentrating on yud and saw a splendor of lights pass thruogh my soul i was wondering if this will ever happen again? | |
Answer: yes, once you see something spiritually, usually that vision improves as you grow in your meditative abilities and pureness. |
Name: rachel . | Date: 2007-12-11 19:16:08 |
Subject:kabbalah as it relates to me | |
Question: We are all Spiritual beings that came through a door to get to this world. We all have keys to these doors back to Heaven ,(Kavana), and our souls ,(Nishama), are wandering here till we accomplish everything we were sent to do. Religion is like the key chain for us to hold our keys. Its generally very personalized, funny, meaningful… But the keys are basic tenants of faith that, although the cut is different for each person, the metal itself is that of seeking deeper meaning and ways to accomplish good here on Earth ,(Malchut). G=d’s greatest pleasure is to see Evil ,(Hara), turn to good, (tov). So, yes, there must be evil for G=d to be pleased. Since there is no REAL Time and Space there must remain a balance of the two, as one over takes the other no time actually passes so it’s a spiral circle. | |
Answer: you should take my video classes in kabbalah. People view kababalah as being about me and Hashem. Themselves and the spritual realms but in reality, kabbalah is about being nothing. |
Name: Eliezer . | Date: 2007-11-23 07:09:08 |
Subject:mystical marriage explaination | |
Question: Can you tell me how to view my marriage in a mystical way. Something that will help me with Shalom bayis. | |
Answer: A woman is from the sefirah of malchus, malchus is the Shechinah. The Shechinah's (malchus) only desire is to unite with Keter. It is impossible that she doesn't want to be reunited as that is her only desire as malchus, the lower light, to connect to the higher light. So how do you elevate the malchus? Well what is the next sefirah about the malchus, yesod, foundation. Give the malchus a foundation as the first elevation. Next is hod, hod is the down direction... when someone is seeing prophesy, they are looking down upon the world, you have to see her and the situation from outside yourself. Next is netzach, going up, once you have seen where things really are, you can go up. Then is tefires, when you go up you see the beauty. Gevurah, you have to have the strength to do whatever is neccesary to stay up, totally giving up the want to receive or any ego left of you. Then is chesed, after having giving of your ego, you start receiving back kindness from all your sacrifices. Then is binah, you understand your own foolishness all along. Then is Chochmah, you grow from the experience. Keter, the untimate unity. |
Name: laura . | Date: 2007-11-23 06:09:49 |
Subject:grasping kabbalah | |
Question: I understand the principles around kabbalah and also understand thier are curtain ideas i will not grasp until i am at another level (such as the "reality" of bieng closer to God.. the feeling basicly). How do I start? | |
Answer: Search for truth, go back to the beginning and grow in basics. Learn the 7 laws of noach |
Name: Yitzchok Issac . | Date: 2007-11-20 04:05:06 |
Subject:learning kabbalah | |
Question: i cant stop learning zohar what should i do rabbis tell me dont learn it but i cant stop | |
Answer: did you go through my kabbalah series videos? It clarifies a lot of points and will help you understand if you are ready for this learning. |
Name: Joshua . | Date: 2007-11-18 05:14:03 |
Subject:tikkun chatzos time | |
Question: Hello Moshe, I had a question about Tikkun Chatzos. I was reading some of your stuff on it and I really like the idea of it. However, I am unsure of how to do it. I was wondering what prayers are involved. and also I was wondering whether chatzos is midnight or the middle of the night, calculated from nightfall to daybreak. Thank You, Joshua | |
Answer: there is a machlokis when is chatzos, some say midnight and otheres say 6 hours after tzais hachachavim. The later is what the zohar says so this is what most kabbalist do. if you look at most sefardi siddurs and see it in begiinning, some sefard |
Name: Yossie Gold | Date: 2007-11-18 04:32:59 |
Subject:I want to learn kabbalah now | |
Question: i need learn kabala and want to see kabalistic places but my english is not very good i know turkish and little english what can i do for learn kabala | |
Answer: kabbalah is learned after one first learns regular torah |
Name: Andrew Stein | Date: 2007-11-17 18:09:08 |
Subject:kamaya neshamah | |
Question: what exactly is the purpose of intertwining my Hebrew first name with the Hebrew word neshama? Why did you make the Kamiya for me this way particularly? Chodesh Tov, | |
Answer: the arizal says it connects a person to their neshamah. The biala rebbe says that anything can be attained through this, ruach hakodesh, purity, completing the self, etc... maybe to meet ones bashert i also wrote one for myself |
Name: Laya . | Date: 2007-11-17 18:04:23 |
Subject:kamaya | |
Question: Should I carry the Kamaya (you wrote) for neshamah with me all the time. | |
Answer: yes you could look at that and it will help in difficult times |
Name: Aharon Gelb | Date: 2007-11-15 22:12:46 |
Subject:Ruach HaKodesh | |
Question: R Moshe, I just returned from tzfat & the ari's kever. Never have I > experienced the ruach hakodesh as I did in tzfat. I experienced the same > ruach hakodesh on your web site. Is this proper? shalom aleichem, aharon | |
Answer: if one attaches themselves to the shechinah, then anything becomes possible. |
Name: phil A | Date: 2007-11-15 00:21:42 |
Subject:Shemusha Rabbah Tefillin | |
Question: Hi Moshe, I have a question regarding the converting of a Rashi tefillin set to Shemusha Rabbah. Is it permitted? I am considering getting a small set of rashi and rabbenu tam that can be worn together according to the HaAri's minhag and convert my existing rashi to a Shemusha Rabbah for davening mincha as the Ari did. | |
Answer: Shemusha rabbah means bigger batim like chabad wears, is that what you have? The small sets run close to 1,000, sometimes more as very few can write that small. Shemusha rabbah are technically rashi's backwards so if you wear rashi in large batim, you bedieved are wearing shemusha even without flipping it. Thats why most don't wear it today. Plus you have to be pure to wear it as it has the kedusha of both at once. |
Name: briseis me | Date: 2007-11-14 23:01:16 |
Subject:Kabbalah Center | |
Question: hi, reb moshe what you thinking about the kabbaélah center ??????? WISCH YOU A NICE DAY NAT | |
Answer: The Kabbalah Center is a business. Anyone who makes Torah into a business usually makes errors in interpretation. Stay far away from this place. |
Name: Jason Smith | Date: 2007-11-14 16:01:21 |
Subject:Can I read this? | |
Question: my question to you is about stript or books called the Jewish tales of ancient times. do you know of this? i read a passage that said Adam had a wife before Eve, her name was lilth, is this kosher? Ive never herd that before, and if so how come i dint learn that in Hebrew school?i went to age of 9.also could you tell me about the codex is it real?is there a code? check this out im not a big believer in u.f.o.s but this man in Vegas here a year or two ago he goes by the name prophet yowed said he claims to have deciphered the codex some 25 years ago and said it was a tool to communicate with like i said im not a big believer in ufos i have some ideas but nothing so elaborate as him..but what he did next i cant explain he said a prayer out loud and ask for these ufos to show themselves. and on a live broadcast i watch this guy about 5 miles from myhome ,and these orange globes started floating around .u can find it on the net under prophet yaweh. please tell me your thoughts on this and the codex | |
Answer: yes there is something with this but you should not learn it now. It is deep kabbalah from the zohar and many people are publishing books today, like the kabbalah center in LA which is for profit and they haven't a clue. If you are looking for more spiritual reading, i can guide you step by step. This book is extreme for now |