Name: Mark Racer | Date: 2009-04-02 13:42:29 |
Subject:returning to judaism | |
Question: Hello, I was never a religeous man until this one incident changed my life. I was walking to my friends house on the sabbath and i was hit by a car. I survived after 5 months in the ICU. I realized g-d saved me and now I realize what you are always talking about. Will the torah be sweet like an apple for an unreligeous jew like me just getting into it or will it be spicy like an onion because i am not knowledgeable in its field. | |
Answer: The talmud teaches us that for the Baal Teshuva the Torah is much sweeter then he who knew it his entire life. You should know that the sides of impurity pleading to make it hard for you to know Hashem so you left. Should you break this and return, nothing will stop you, not man, not angel and you will fly to heights in Judaism that are beyond your imagination. I should only know such sweetness that lyes before you! |
Name: Netti Epstein | Date: 2009-01-05 10:18:11 |
Subject:hebrew to english date | |
Question: what is the date in Tevet to correspond to the English date of December 25, 1993? I think it is January 8, 2009, but am not sure. | |
Answer: the 11th of Teves Dec 28th 2008 |
Name: Sue Warmhold | Date: 2008-08-25 13:08:00 |
Subject:gravesite | |
Question: Please advise me of the meaning of flowers at a gravesite..and why is it so wrong to place them at a jewish cemetery. | |
Answer: It is not a Jewish custom and is done by non-Jews and it is a Jewish law not to copy other religions practices. If we did, we would assimilate into them slowly. |
Name: Ira Cohen | Date: 2008-07-20 18:30:43 |
Subject: | |
Question: Dear Reb Moishe,I live in Florida with my mom. May she live and be well. She is ill now. I pray for her recovery always. I am a 47 single guy never married. I was zoche to be with rabbi Mordahai Sharabi the riteous , bless his memory.It is not easy at this time in my life.I believe in G-d, and love g-d very much, however , I am in the goyishe velt of Florida, What can more can I say? My mother's name is Dvora bas Leah, my name is Yizhak Isaac ben Dvorah, May we hear good tidings.. | |
Answer: Hashem said that He would disperse Jews to every corner of the world. This is our punishment for not being more unified and following the Torah. If Hashem didnt' think we could still serve Him in Florida, He would not have created the State. Hashem can be found everywhere. A person can serve Him everyone and follow all the commandments. It may be more difficult but His Presence can be found non-the-less. Especially today with so much Torah availalbe online and in books. I bless you to find Him and make His name great. |
Name: Cindy . | Date: 2008-04-09 17:08:01 |
Subject: | |
Question: What should I do to prepare myself for aliyah to Israel? | |
Answer: If you are even remotely considering one day making aliyah to Israel. Please begin studying the language now. Do not wait. The most difficult thing for most Americans making a successful transition is the language barrier. Also, start eating more spicy foods, pita bread, bland foods, chumas and techina. Next is personality, toughen yourself up a bit. Become a sparring partner for the local boxing gym. You have to be able to speak up for yourself well and never back down. Israelis are much more stable then Americans |
Name: Dovid Moshe . | Date: 2007-11-24 18:09:53 |
Subject:Making a Website | |
Question: I am opening up a new jewish website that will be very large. | |
Answer: With this comes power, the power to change lives.. to touch people. To turn a depressed heart into a happy one but also to take a holy soul and bring it down. Every Jew is very holy and precious so I tell you this just as a reminder as you lauch the site for the world you remember to put the souls of those who will visit before money and success. |
Name: sara Shania . | Date: 2007-11-23 08:00:30 |
Subject:becoming less religious | |
Question: My husband is becoming less religious and has trouble controling his anger. He has been going to bars and shaved his payis. | |
Answer: You can tell him I said that if he reads the Ramban's Letter daily, all his troubles will subside. Every time you speak to him, tell him you believe in him that he has a holy neshamah and he is special. Always mention that he is important to Hashem and the Jewish people. |
Name: joni . | Date: 2007-11-23 07:09:03 |
Subject:Working & Knowing Hashem | |
Question: I live in Israel & work for a constrction company. Life isnt always what I hoped for - maybe more torah study will help | |
Answer: Chassidus teaches us to find the light in all the things we are doing. Even in your contruction work you can attach yourself to Hashem. |
Name: Shoshi . | Date: 2007-11-20 04:27:03 |
Subject:husbands learning | |
Question: Should I pay this man to learn with my husband as he seems to not want to be his chavrusa, study partner anymore. I think it is because my husband always likes to be right. | |
Answer: Most Jews are know it alls, I don't think this is a big deal for the right teacher. I don't think it is the money... Maybe they just don't click. It is important that learning partners are comfortable with one another. |
Name: Yisachar . | Date: 2007-11-19 09:58:43 |
Subject:aliyah & money | |
Question: I have been trying to come to Israel but it is very difficult with money and family problems. | |
Answer: Much depends on your yearning for the holy land |
Name: randy . | Date: 2007-11-19 04:10:56 |
Subject:aliyah rural place | |
Question: Tsfat is one option we are considering for aliyah, but we ideally wanted a more rural place, with greater nature and space. | |
Answer: Hi, maybe you would like the moshav yavniel in the lower galliel I would need to know more about you to sujest any areas in tzfat, Sounds like you might like the beriya area moshe |
Name: Rina . | Date: 2007-11-16 02:28:06 |
Subject:Alone without a community | |
Question: I found out I was Jewish from my grandmother and the rest of the family has throw us out. I am so lonely and I am living here in the country with my 3 children. I have a lot of health problems. | |
Answer: Ah, ... how can you be alone when Hashem is always there right next too you? Well I have to advise you to move to a Jewish community now or at least begin to plan on such a move... for your sake... for Hashem... you just have to slowly move towards this... |
Name: The Rosens | Date: 2007-11-15 18:56:02 |
Subject:Aliyah to Tzfat | |
Question: Our family wants to make aliyah to Tzfat but we are thinking to go to a Mercaz Klita in Jerusalem first. | |
Answer: Hi, I don't know that starting out in a mercaz is the right move. It is also good to come right here as tzfat is a relaxing place to ajust to new life here. moshe |