Name: Andria . | Date: 2007-11-23 08:09:31 |
Subject:Jesus a phrophet? | |
Question: Why do u not mention Jesus as a great "prophet". (it seems he taught what you do after all) IF he really was a great man, the Jewish people should put your pride aside and honor him; not as the son of G-d (that is your opinion) but as a good man. | |
Answer: Jes-s was one of the most evil men to have existed. He was the one with much pride, which is the trait of Amalek. If you even ask a few Priests they would tell you in private they don't believe much in him but they are there to give something to the people. This topic has been exhausted over the centuries. JEWS REJECT EVERY ASPECT OF JES-S!!! We Jews prefer to not even say his name, rather we call him YUSHKE or Reb 'J'... rather than profane our mouths with his name. Yushke was not a prophet. What did he prophesies? His teachings were not new either. Every teaching he supposedly gave was already existant in Jewish oral traditions, in particular the teachings of Rabbi Hillel. Yushke was a nobody. |
Name: Minda . | Date: 2007-11-18 08:18:35 |
Subject:Mordechai and Esther | |
Question: I noticed that you have a video from Purim that says you were filming at the actual Kever of Mordechai and Esther. Were they transferred from modern-day Iran? The tombs of Mordechai, Esther and Daniel HaNavi are supposed to be in Iran. There is a wonderful history by Habib Levy called the History of the Jews in Iran that has actual photos. I have also spoken with many Persian Jews who confirm this information. Bracha V'Hatzlaha! | |
Answer: There are some who say that they are interred in Persia and some who say here. My personal opinion is that one of the places has a Neshama that is a reincarnation of the same soul root so thereby, both are right. This is my peaceful resolution. I also believe that any place that Jews gather and think about a Tzaddik, it brings down their presence. Daniel is buried in Persia, and Yechezkel is buried in South Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) in Nineveh, and so is Jonah. |
Name: Mark Brown | Date: 2007-11-16 02:50:18 |
Subject:Blue Graves | |
Question: Why are the tombs of the Tzaddikim painted blue? | |
Answer: The tombs, or Keverim of the Tzaddikim, righteous people, are painted blue because the color blue represents, and simulates the purity of the soul and of heavens. |