Name: Iosif Dadabayev Date: 2009-06-16 16:20:59
Dear Rabbi I have a very important concern about faith. Recently I encountered many Christian Missionaries including my relatives about Mossiah. Those Christian Missionaries claim that JC was the Messiah by using our Tanach. Not only this they are also very ignorant when you present them any evidence that Jesus was the Messiah. I wont to understand why Christianity if it is not true spread faster then Judaism? Why people so attached to it to a degree of ignorance?
Because tuma, impurity appears to them as having the same power as holiness. Klipah and holiness if a person isn't truly searching for truth, will appear the same. Anyone with true understanding can clearly see the difference. Most of the world lacks understanding.

Name: Paul Chipkin Date: 2008-07-31 23:40:45
Are these the "final days?"
Yes, all the signs of Moshiach coming have been told in prophesies by our sages. The US economy, Iran, the war with Lebanon, even the plague of sexual confusion. Moshiach is coming very soon!

Name: Jonathan .p Date: 2007-11-23 06:50:45
Subject:israel safety
I am afraid for my many friends in Israel's safety.


Just pray for him. You know, Israel is the safest place on earth! All the confusion is a sign of Moshiach coming

Name: Henoch z Date: 2007-11-15 17:56:51
Subject:Moshiach Talk, Rav Kenig
Hi Reb Moshe,
There is a lot of talk among the goyim about the end
being near. Has there been anything from the rav of
tzfat, Rav Kenig has said about moshiach? The watch from Baba Sali? Please let me know.
i heard the watch from Babi Sali (the great sefardi Rabbi) that is supposed to turn to 12 when Moshiach comes, a few months ago turned more towards 12.

Rav Kenig did talk of Moshiach being close when someone asked what to do about their child going into cheder,
he said there was no reason to talk about a year from now as Moshiach is very close

Name: simcha abrams Date: 2007-11-15 17:47:39
Subject:No Temple
I would like to know why their is no Temple for our God. I would like know your thoughts why God has not allowed a new Temple.
Because we have not worked hard enough to lift up the Shechinah from the dust. Slowly our mitzvos are building her back up. We underestimate the power of even one mitzvah

Name: j Open Date: 2007-11-15 01:56:22
Subject:Against Israel
What about the UN giving money to the Lebanese why don�t they give money to Israel?
Well it says all the Nations will turn against the Jewish people before the coming of Moshiach. Slowly we are getting there!

Name: Kurt Smith . Date: 2007-11-14 15:35:59
Greetings my Jewish friend! May God bless you.

I have a question for you, my Israeli brother. I hear rumor of the prophetic third Temple being rebuilt in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. This is God's city, and God made a covenant with the Hebrew people, that on this Mount his house should stand. The Jewish people have the obligation to rebuild the House of God here... so please tell me, what is the idea of the Jewish people in Israel? Do Israelis desire to rebuild their house of prayer? I hear that Levite priests are training to learn the customs and sacraficial ceremonies for "if" the Temple is rebuilt. Hatikvah! The hope of the Jewish people to have their own land that God promised them... will they rebuild their promise to God concerning his sacrafices and his holy house?

Thank you, and Shallom!

-Kurt Smith
19 years old
Mississippi, USA
the 3rd temple will be built for us, we don't build it ourselves and the moshiach comes first. The learning of torah and mitzvos is what brings this closer